Ticketing systems
NTD have been providing web services for the Brighton Dome and Festival for over 5 years. Originally, NTD designed and produced a web-based events administration suite enabling the Dome to easily publish rich events information (including streamed audio and video) to their web sites.
At the time The Dome used box office software that only permitted online booking through TicketMaster. The Dome wished to enable online ticket ordering through their own web sites. To this end they invested in a sofware suite called Enta, produced by Galathea STS. The software included a recently released module, Enta-Connect which facilitated basic secure online ticket ordering.
NTD integrated the output of EntaConnect with the NTD rich events publishing system, the results being two of the most usuable and informative online ticketing web sites in the world.
Although timescales were very short NTD managed the project professionally and deadlines were met without quality being compromised. The web sites are a great success, so much so that, a year on, nearly a third of all tickets are ordered online. In addition more tickets are now being ordered than ever before and the Dome have cut their overall costs.
NTD provided all the services that Galathea did not, dovetailing neatly with the makers of the box office software. NTD hosts the Dome's Enta web server at our secure facility on The Isle of Dogs, London and supplied and configured the hardware for the VPN between the Dome offices and the server. The services we provided for the Brighton Dome included: