t: 01273 470009
NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design NTD Professional Web Design



Although there are no definitive standards to use when coding or designing web sites NTD have produced sites that conform to the Bobby AAA accessibility and W3C's standards for HTML and CSS.

Adhering to these standards means that sites are more accessible to those using screen readers and similar devices (in the browsers that adhere to these standards).

Maintaining a web site's visual interest whilst achieving accessibility uses a variety of features and fuctions such as:

  • Access Keys
  • Resizable Text
  • Coding to Standards
  • Consistent Navigation
  • Browser and Operating System
  • Printing Pages


Bobby WorldWide Approved AAA
Valid HTML 4.01 Strict
Level Triple-A conformance icon Valid CSS




I would like to congratulate you on the clarity and responsiveness of TPAS's very helpful website - one of the best I have ever come across. Well done!
Mike Palmer - private individual, now retired and living abroad
© 2024 ...ntd one of the most experienced web production companies in the South